Tuesday 26 June 2012

Out of focus, light

Out of focus series is about experimenting with the ways we interpret a picture depending on details or the lack of them. If we don´t understand what it actually is it converts into fields of color in an abstract way. Why do we have the need to define what something is, and place it within categories? I´m not sure why I started out with these blurry photos but I think it´s because it interest me how we can understand something in different ways, also because I like the way photography sometimes reminds me of paintings, and when they are out of focus the attention goes to the shapes, lines and fields of color instead of the details. It also reminds me of the way we view something when we only open our eyes slightly, how similar the lens on the camera is to our eyes.

Out of focus

Out of focus. people

Out of focus.Chinatown

"Full-stops. Pauses in conversation"

 These photos of cups from above represents the full stops in a sentence, which are needed in order to create rhythm and understanding in a text. They are meant to symbolize the negative space, the pauses and space between the building stones in order to create something.



Notting hill b/w

layered times, negatives

These are all negatives from double exposured photos I took from the Central saint martins building using a 35mm camera. The thought was to go there in different times during the day to photograph, which create layers of time in the same images. I was discovering how a place or a building can feel and be so different depending on when your there, morning afternoon etc.

About Me

My photo
London, United Kingdom
Im Emma from Gothenburg, Sweden. I live in London, and Stockholm. I study Photography at London college of communication after graduating from Central saint martins with Graphic design/photo which helped me develop alot and lead me to focusing only on photo. I find it inspirationable to study in London as I´m surrounded with lots of creativity and people with great ideas everyday. I find it important to be interested as a person to be able to do something interesting yourself. When it comes to art and photography I find it important to be open to recieve inspiration within any art form to create a broader understanding. This will make you more advanced within your own area of expertise. If your an actor, go and see dance, read books, go to exhibitions. It´s up to oneself how to develop that inspiration into something of your own. "The act of observing the experiment affects the experiment".