Saturday 26 May 2012

The wall

This is a way to use a wall as a canvas and whoever pass the within the frame will become parts of the canvas and therefore a part of the artwork and photographs. This is an investigation between the relationship of the viewer and the object. I find it interesting working with public spaces and photography because it is almost always unpredictable which makes it an exciting way of working. This day I was lucky to find an interesting wall which works as a natural canvas in a puclic space with real people unknowingly becoming parts of the work, actors in a film, within a frame they walked into without choice. It is not planned but by chance which makes it interesting for myself as everything will be a surprise.

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About Me

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London, United Kingdom
Im Emma from Gothenburg, Sweden. I live in London, and Stockholm. I study Photography at London college of communication after graduating from Central saint martins with Graphic design/photo which helped me develop alot and lead me to focusing only on photo. I find it inspirationable to study in London as I´m surrounded with lots of creativity and people with great ideas everyday. I find it important to be interested as a person to be able to do something interesting yourself. When it comes to art and photography I find it important to be open to recieve inspiration within any art form to create a broader understanding. This will make you more advanced within your own area of expertise. If your an actor, go and see dance, read books, go to exhibitions. It´s up to oneself how to develop that inspiration into something of your own. "The act of observing the experiment affects the experiment".