Saturday 26 May 2012

Working men in the city b/w

During this project I´ve been looking into the society and the genus aspect of it. How in London I can see an obvious focus on working men specifically. It´s interesting how in working positions men aswell as women are often dressed in uniforms and we are automatically placed in gropus, and defined by the uniform. For me it is interesting observing society and our behaviour socially and culturally. Right now I think we live in a society when it seems so important what we do and how that defines us, is it not enough with who we are but also what we do and status? I think some people spend their lives living it for someone else, and what is expected rather than actually just being themselves.

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About Me

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London, United Kingdom
Im Emma from Gothenburg, Sweden. I live in London, and Stockholm. I study Photography at London college of communication after graduating from Central saint martins with Graphic design/photo which helped me develop alot and lead me to focusing only on photo. I find it inspirationable to study in London as I´m surrounded with lots of creativity and people with great ideas everyday. I find it important to be interested as a person to be able to do something interesting yourself. When it comes to art and photography I find it important to be open to recieve inspiration within any art form to create a broader understanding. This will make you more advanced within your own area of expertise. If your an actor, go and see dance, read books, go to exhibitions. It´s up to oneself how to develop that inspiration into something of your own. "The act of observing the experiment affects the experiment".